The education curriculum of the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang has undergone improvements from the old model curriculum and has a new paradigm, namely education oriented towards competitive education. For this reason, UMM Law Faculty is trying to realise a holistic, critical legal education process that is oriented towards education-oriented professionalism. The model can be in the form of short courses, training, education and others, based on Kepmendiknas No. 0235 of 1994, which requires the implementation of legal proficiency courses.
The legal proficiency course conducted by the Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University, Malang is called Legal Proficiency Education and Training (PLKH), the content of which leads to the introduction of students to the world of legal practice in the fields of criminal law, civil law, state administration, state administration, Islam, and business. Since the theory of legal science given in lectures is so theoretical, which is often far from its practice, its urgency for the needs of students is a necessity.
After that, this PLKH will introduce students to be able to provide legal opinions and strategies for resolving labour disputes with legal and sociological considerations. In this way, the UMM Faculty of Law responds to the workers' need for representation in litigation (due process) by sending students to defend their rights. This PLKH also produces candidates for legal advisors who are intelligent, professional and honest.