LABORATORY OF WEBINAR FH UMM: "Intellectual Property Rights as a Form of Legal Protection for Start Up Business Actors"

Saturday, October 17, 2020 17:01 WIB   Laboratorium Hukum

MALANG (Lab FH UMM). The Law Laboratory of the Faculty of Law of UMM held a webinar with the theme "Intellectual Property Rights as Legal Protection for Start-Up Businesses". This activity is carried out in order to respond to the many legal cases of intellectual property rights violations that are happening today, especially for business actors, so it is necessary to examine more deeply the urgency of IPR protection as a form of business protection efforts. 

This webinar activity was carried out online through the zoom platform and live youtube of the FH UMM Lab and was attended by 215 (two hundred and fifteen) participants consisting of students / I courses of PLKH (Legal Proficiency Education and Training) as compulsory participants, lecturers and from participants general.

The opening of the Webinar was preceded by remarks from the Deputy Dean I of the UMM Faculty of Law, Mrs. Dr. Catur Wido Haruni, S.H., M.Si., M.Hum who said that the current situation is very relevant to the theme discussed, how startups, which are companies engaged in Information Technology, have now become popular and have become a positive trend in Indonesia. Many large companies initially moved as successful startups and became leading companies in Indonesia. And basically Startups in Indonesia are certainly protected by laws and government regulations, therefore to be able to operate legally in Indonesia requires protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) which includes registration of Copyright, Trademarks, and Patents for Startups who create new or innovative ideas / products / findings.

The material presented consists of 3 (three) material sessions with different perspectives delivered by the speakers in accordance with their respective fields. The presentation of the first material about the Urgency of IPR Protection in the Start-Up business was delivered by Prof. Dr. Rahmi Jened, S.H., M.H as Professor of FH Universitas Airlangga as well as Professional Legal Consultant, Chair Person of RJP Law Office & Academy Founder of RJ Co Working Space, and as Mediator & Arbitrator in the IPR Arbitration Board. He explained that one of the consequences of Indonesia ratifying the Agreement on Establishing the WTO through Law No. 7 of 1994 with a schedule of commitment dated January 1, 2000, is that Indonesia must agree to all agendas held by the WTO. The purpose of establishing the WTO is to create a Fair Competition, and in order to create fair trade competition, legally the business objectives of the WTO can be achieved, one of which is through the IP Law which covers all laws and regulations in the human rights sector.

HaKI (Intellectual Property Rights) was formed with the aim of protecting intellectual creations from acts of forgery and piracy. Because since the creation was made, IPR protection has been there since then, because basically Copyright originating from human intellectual creative resources is part of Human Rights so that the nature of protection is automatic protection, but because it is difficult to prove it, the State facilitates recording. creation, to obtain preliminary evidence of copyright.

The competitiveness of a company is built not only based on the final appearance (finishing touch) of the product being marketed and how to build the brand image of the service, but what is no less important is built through the protection of its IPR. With regard to Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks. Because without IPR protection, business competition will be futile.

Photo 1: Delivery of the first material


Then the presentation of the second material on the Technical Registration and Drafting of IPR application by Dr. Fal. Arovah Windiani, S, H., MH as the IPR Consultant, Lecturer, holds the position of Chairperson of the Center for HKI, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta and as the Regional Honorary Council of the DKI Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI).
The third material on the Establishment of a Start-Up Business for beginners was delivered by Mr. Muhammad Ajie Santika, S.Mn as CMO and co-founder at PT Feedloop Global Teknologi and at PT Everidea Interaktif Nusantara. He said that there are several supporting factors that influence the success of a startup business, namely the right timing, solid teamwork, accurate business model strategies, sufficient funding, and good ideas.
Webinar participants were very enthusiastic about listening to presentations delivered by speakers who were experts in their fields. This is evidenced by the number of questions from the participants. The complete Webinar can be seen on the YouTube Law Laboratory of the Faculty of Law UMM with the following link:
This activity was closed with a closing statement from Dr. Fal. Arovah Windiani, S, H., MH that IPR registration is very important to do, this is to protect Startups from legal problems that often arise such as lawsuits directed at startup companies either from individuals or groups or agencies / companies inside or outside the country of Indonesia . Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are an important requirement for startups in terms of their functions and benefits, following government regulations regarding the registration of intellectual property rights starting from trademark and patent registration for legal protection and protecting creations, products, and ideas / inventions that have valuable value. .
By following the procedure for registering Intellectual Property Rights, it is hoped that every startup in Indonesia can register products, works, and ideas from the company that was founded so that it has legal status and protection in Indonesia (17/10/20).

Photo 2: Webinar Participants
